

Antibacterial: Anything that destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or their ability to reproduce. Heat, chemicals such as chlorine, and antibiotic drugs all have antibacterial properties. Many antibacterial products for cleaning and handwashing are sold today. Such products do not reduce the risk for symptoms of viral infectious diseases in otherwise healthy persons. This does not preclude the potential contribution of antibacterial products to reducing symptoms of bacterial diseases in the home.

Antibacterial usually refers to an antibiotic, a principal type of antimicrobial agent used mainly against bacteria; it may kill or inhibit them.

Antibacterial may also refer to:

·         Antiseptic, a principal type of antimicrobial agent used mainly against bacteria; it may kill or inhibit them

·         Disinfectant, an agent to impair microbes in cleaning/sanitation but not taken internally as medicine; it may kill or inhibit them

·         Bactericide, an agent that kills bacteria populations

·         Bacteriostatic agent, an agent that does not kill bacteria populations but inhibits their growth

·         Antibacterial soap, whose active ingredient may be any of the above